Collection Tours
To seek out further connections and learning opportunities in Entomology, I have visited various entomology collections around the US.
California Academy Of Sciences
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Texas A&M University
DMNS (with LHS Ento)

Eagle Scout project:
Ant Survey of
Castlewood Canyon
For my Eagle Scout Project, I surveyed the ants of castlewood canyon with the help of around 25 volunteers. Groups went and aspirated ants in various habitats. Then, LHS Ento and I sorted the collected specimens and their corresponding labels. I then digitally recorded all the data, and Identified all the species from each sample. Finnally I built and Installed a display & wrote a project overview
A Spreadsheet With the Data From All Collections During the Project.

Photography Awards/Recognition
NEXT Art Gallery CMU
My art was displayed at the NEXT high school art gallery at Colorado Mesa University. All 3 Submitted Pieces were accepted

Scholasitcs Gold Key
This Photo won a gold key at the 2020 Colorado Scholasitcs Art And Writing Awards
2nd Place In Overall Gallery

Displayed In Gallery
Displayed In Gallery

Scholastics Gold Key Winner
RMNSP HS Photography Awards
This photo was a runner up in the nature section of the Rocky Mountain School of Photography High School Photography Contest.

Runner Up
NWC Instagram Photo Contest
My Photograph was selected as a display Image in Northwest College Wyoming in their January 2021 Master the moment challenge

Winner, January 2021Display IMG
2019-20 Art Sophomore of The Year
In the 2019-2020 school year, I recieved an award from legend for my photography, I chose this image to represent that award.

Scholastics Gold Key Winner
Scholasitcs Gold Keys & Silver Key
These Photos won a gold key at the 2021 Colorado Scholastic Art And Writing Awards.
The bottom photo won a silver key.

Scholastics Gold Key Winner

Scholastics Silver Key Winner
2021-22 Art Student of The Year
In the 2021-2022 school year, I received another award from Legend High School for my Outstanding work in Photography. Presented is another image to represent this award.

Below are some of the places other than my website you can find my images:
Carebara longii
my work appears on various antweb pages.
Myrmecological news blog:
Getting inspired by aspiring young myrmecologists